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The Test

Jordan is the baby of the family. Although he prefers to be called the youngest, he is resigned to the fact that he will always be "the baby.

A few years back he started Tae Kwon Do. Of course, his goal was to earn the coveted black belt. The school we joined had a program. Faithful, consistent, hardworking students could expect to achieve black belt status in around three years. We figured, three hard can it be? Well. the three-year mark came and went. The other students who were in Jordan's class became black belts, and Jordan was still trudging along. The death of his grandfather, sickness of his grandmother, the work (travel) schedules of his parents and his own mission trip travels delayed him significantly.

Add to that a huge hurdle. Black belt testing (always) takes place on Saturdays.

The Sabbath hurdle is for another post, but let's just say, by God’s grace, we made it over. The make-up test date was set, and the final preparations for testing were falling into place.

While Jordan was on the mat practicing, one of the instructors said to me very matter-of-factly, "Jordan's new uniform and black belt are right there." as he pointed to a corner in the office. The instructor continued, "He just needs to take the test."

Did you catch it?

Even though he had to work very hard and demonstrate that he had mastered the techniques. Ultimately, there was an expectation and anticipation that he would pass the test! The prize was ready and waiting for him. With permission, two weeks before the test, I took a peek and a picture. This was no generic reward. Not just any old belt from the storeroom closet. This was Jordan Spivey's black belt uniform and black belt. It was there waiting for him. Name monogrammed in both English and Korean, It was ready. He just needed to pass the test.

Of course, there was some nervousness. Would he be able to perform the Poomsae without error? Would he be able to break the boards using hands and feet? Would self-defense movements go as planned? With all of these uncertainties and concerns, one thing was sure.

The intention was for Jordan to pass the test.

The intention was for Jordan to reap the reward.

They were preparing him to pass.

They were preparing him to succeed.

The obvious connection is that Jesus has already prepared heaven, and all we need to do is pass the test, but THAT short changes and undermines GREAT GRACE.

In Jordan’s situation, he had to do the work and pass the test.

But that is not the case for us because…..wait for it….Jesus does the work!

Jordan got his new uniform AFTER he passed the test. We, on the other hand, put on Christ’s robe BEFORE the test and…..(are you shouting yet?!) because we are wearing His righteousness. Because He is living in us. We pass!

That’s what I’m talkin’ about!!

Jesus prepares our reward

Jesus give us a robe of righteousness

We wear his righteousness

He fights (and wins) for us

He passes the test

We get the reward

And it’s not a black belt. It’s a crown!

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Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Oct 27, 2018

Congratulations on passing the test!! on to the next one, which I know you will pass!!


Jamie Mitchell
Jamie Mitchell
Oct 26, 2018

Amen! I can’t wait for that crown that Jesus will give me. Jordan you are an awesome student and a pleasure to have in class. I’m so proud of your accomplishment. Loretta, thanks for delivering such powerful thoughts, you are becoming such a special and good friend to me... looking forward to reading more.


Oct 23, 2018

Loretta, you & your family never cease to inspire. Thank you so much for the depth of thought, richness of expression, and the blessings you pass on with EVERY message. God is using you in ways you don’t realize. Remain worshipful and steadfast, Friend. So proud of the boys. Thank God for His righteous covering.


Carol Eichner
Carol Eichner
Oct 23, 2018

Awesome accomplishment, Jordan! I love the analogy about the uniform prepared for him/our clothes of righteousness prepared for us because of his amazing grace.


Oct 22, 2018


Congratulations Jordan!

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